10 +

Years Of Experience

We’re a Trusted and Professional Solution Provider in the Mineral Industry

RR Enterprises is the leading mineral supplier in India. We are here to provide our clients with the best standard of minerals and quality material. We deliver all minerals of all grades found and mined all over india and the world. We are a leading mineral exporter from India in the mineral industry, and we target to become the best mineral industry.
Leverage our knowledge, experience and network for timely, efficient sourcing and delivery of quality industrial minerals to our customers.
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Why Choose Us

We Help you to Source the Right Product

Our extensive network with end user industries cuts through multiple layers of middlemen and trading agencies thereby making us even more competitive.


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RR Minerals India

One stop solution for your Raw and Processed Minerals Need

RR Minearals, providing a diverse range of high-quality materials essential for various industries. Our partners specialize in sourcing and delivering premium-grade industrial minerals, including but not limited to silica sand, feldspar, limestone, and rice husk ash